Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 19 - Shop and shop!

Today was free and easy day! and we all head over to Han Kou to shop! bought many cheap things as everywhere was having a discount. bought a pair of shoes and a pair of jeans! everything on discount! so good. had lunch first at da niang. dumplings there are just awesome. had some scallop and chicken wings too. then off to shop and shop and shop even more.

Crowded bus!
But still got space for a picture!

The bus today was very packed. packed until like sardines like that. although the bus was packed fully, the bus driver still allow them to come up and squeeze. some even allow them to go in by the back door. In singapore, the bus driver would just drive off should the bus be full. as long as it reaches the maximum, they would not. a difference between china and singapore. glad that singapore's bus services, though packed, but not as packed at china. wonder what those SBS/SMRT complains would react.

Day 18 - Shopping at Jian Er

Mid point of my wuhan journey! so lets recap! huang he lou, dong hu, hubei province museum, chang jiang san xia, han kou and many other places. we learnt alot of things from all these trips and it really widen our knowledge of china.

so the day started with lesson. project management lesson. after that lunch at lemon restaurant. and then wanted to go shopping at Jian er, but then it started raining, so we headed back to our hostel. today was really a boring day! dinner at mac with the rest later and walked around Jian Er Lu, shopped awhile and headed back soon after.

Dinner at mac!
From another angle.

The mid point of my journey in wuhan. learnt many new things by experiencing life in a foreign land. although, it has not been smooth sailing, but nothing in life comes for free. everything you want to achieve has to be fought for. and i guess it goes the same in life. be prepared to go through hardships in order to achieve something. although it might be tough, but i guess by having the goal in mind, it will be all worthwhile.

Day 17 - Healthy lifestyle

We had PM practical early in the morning as usual. completed all our practicals already! how fast but thats good, means practical out of the way. then had lunch at hanhui's room. vegetarian again. for a carnivore like me, eating vegetarian meals are like a total new thing to me. but honestly, its very good. maybe i will turn into a vegetarian? haha hope it will happen. we had a presentation at 3pm in Mr Chia's room. made final preparations and editing of the powerpoint slide before me go present in his room.


Then after that was just slack all the way. actually didnt want to go out for dinner one. until hanhui came knocking on the door asking if we wanted go for vegetarian steamboat. the boss of our usual vegetarian meal is treating us dinner at his shop. he actually closed the whole shop for this dinner.

yummy food!
Steamboat on a cold night!

Trying out new things can actually be very interesting. take for example. i do not eat vegetables. not even one bit. and i never expect myself to eat vegetarian meals for like 3 meals in a row. it was simply delicious. what i have learnt from this is that, no matter how bad things look, always give it a chance to prove itself that it has something good in it. this applies to vegetarian meals, and also applies to our lives, that we should not give up on something, or on someone even though the situation does not look good. fight until the very end, and something might happen. miracles do happen.