Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 19 - Shop and shop!

Today was free and easy day! and we all head over to Han Kou to shop! bought many cheap things as everywhere was having a discount. bought a pair of shoes and a pair of jeans! everything on discount! so good. had lunch first at da niang. dumplings there are just awesome. had some scallop and chicken wings too. then off to shop and shop and shop even more.

Crowded bus!
But still got space for a picture!

The bus today was very packed. packed until like sardines like that. although the bus was packed fully, the bus driver still allow them to come up and squeeze. some even allow them to go in by the back door. In singapore, the bus driver would just drive off should the bus be full. as long as it reaches the maximum, they would not. a difference between china and singapore. glad that singapore's bus services, though packed, but not as packed at china. wonder what those SBS/SMRT complains would react.

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