Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 2 - Orientation

Woke up at 9am for breakfast! and then orientation around the campus. day 2 did not have much activites. after orientation was free and easy, buying daily necessities at a local supermarket.

The building where we will be having our classes in.

Our classroom for the next 30 days!

Notice the difference of the stairs. got a line that is protruding out. hurts while walking down.

Bicycle area, one of the more common things seen around campus.
Canteen near our hostel.

My lunch! looks great huh? it is very very nice!

Today was a short day, nonetheless, as each day passes by, we ought to have learnt something throughout the course of the day. today, i came to realise that the difference between the campus in Wuhan, and Ngee Ann Poly in Singapore. i complain about the high slopes and far far away classes in NP, but actually i was actually lucky to be able to go to a school like that, blessed with good facilities and better and cleaner environment. immersing myself in such an environment allowed me to experience it first hand, allowing myself to cherish what i have, and not complaining about what i do not.

Day 1 - Goodbyes and hellos.

The long awaited day has come! OIP has offically started. We first met at changi airport at 11am. trying not to be late, to avoid the fine that would be imposed, i hurried to get ready. and even asked for a morning call from my friend. though i got a few from my group leader. arrived at airport, seeing many friends, whether coming with us, or sending us off, it was all smiles and laughter.

The lovely people that came to send us off. Thank you!

5th Overseas Immersion Programme

Waiting for boarding at Changi Airport

Arrival at Guangzhou airport

Arrival at Wuhan finally! It was almost past midnight at that time due to the delay in flight at Guangzhou airport.

Saying goodbye is hard, especially to such a comfortable place like Singapore. However, there are many things out there for us to experience and explore. Looking at how globalization has taken place in Singapore, giving us such a comfortable home, makes me feel how lucky i am. Culturally, China has many differences as compared to Singapore. Like how cars are driven on the left. this would mean that cars would be coming from the left, and not the usual right. so we have to take note while crossing the road. Another example of cultural difference is that i was at Mcdonalds, there was a sauce that i have not seen before. so i asked the lady serving the counter for one. since the packaging of the sauce is green, i asked, in chinese of course, "ke yi gei wo na ge qing se de ma?" to my surprise, the lady stared at me blankly. then later i found out, in China, green is known as "lui se" super embarrased! (for non chinese, in Singapore, green can be known as qing or lui.) many more things to learn and experience here in china! to widen my knowledge of the world. China, here i come!