Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 13 - Beautiful Dam!

Woke up early to have breakfast and we had to leave the boat after breakfast. we then headed to the 3 gorges dam for a tour. and god, it was beautiful. after the tour around the dam, we took a long bus journey back to wuhan, en route stopping for lunch at yi chang. on the way back, saw an accident on the expressway. how scary.

A-Team while waiting for the tour to start!
A-Team at the dam!
Accident on the way.

Seeing the accident on the expressway made me quite afraid that anything might happen to us. (touch wood). it made me realise how fragile our life is, and we have to make full use of our lives, live our lives to the fullest everyday and do not live with regrets. you never know when you will leave the world, but you can do your best to leave happily without any regrets.