Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 10 - May our dreams come true

Free and easy day today as Mr Chia cancelled lessons for us to work on our project which we had to present to him at his room at 3pm. so most of us slept in until 11. lack of sleep totally. was just lazing around using the computer until then. went to a new restaurant for dinner after jia li introduced us as they had discover it while having lunch there. its called kuan le chu fang (Happy kitchen). a whole bunch of us ate dinner together. after dinner, we walked to the supermarket to buy some things for our cruise trip! bought my oat meal cereal and i am a happy boy. after that we walked back to hostel to wait for everyone to come back before we go play our xu yuan deng (wishing lantern). however, there was a delay due to a room which got their keys locked in. so me and Mr Chia became locksmith and try to break open the door. and guess what. we succeed. HAHA! after that we went to play our lanterns. it was so beautiful. May all our dreams come true!

The menu!
All of us!
Breaking open the door!
May our dreams come true!
Fly baby fly!

Dreams are goals which people have in mind to achieve. by having a target, it gives meaning to your life, giving us motivation to live and strive for the best. while thinking of the wishes i wanted to write on the lantern, i realised that there are too many. then i started asking myself, why do we have so many wishes; studies, wealth, relationships, etc. the basis of all these is happiness. only then i realised, being happy was the most important thing one could ever wish for. a simple feeling, yet being the hardest to fulfill. complicated? maybe, but once you get it straight, everything will fall into place, wouldn't it?

Day 9 - Mid Autumn Festival!

Happy Mid Autumn Festival everyone! Cold weather today! so everyone dressed in jeans and jacket and head to class! it was raining quite heavily as well! had pm lessons in the morning and the afternoon! lunch at soup restaurant. then we celebrated mid autumn festival on our own. as it was raining, we could not go out to celebrate. instead we did it outside the girls dorm. had some tea and mooncakes and played some games too! it was a great moment as i actually felt the warmth of a family, OIP 5th batch family!

Lunch at soup restuarant!
Dinner! Very big portion
Tea! Celebrate the Autumn!


Mid autumn spent in china was certainly different. In china, mid autumn means getting back with your family and reunite. so during mid autumn, they travel back to their homes to celebrate with their family. they get a 3 days break to enjoy and celebrate this event. however in singapore, we dont have such holidays. another difference is that in china, they dont play with lanterns and candles. this is the cultural difference of singapore and china that i have learnt today.

Day 8- A good workout!

Today we had OIE lessons in the afternoon! learnt about the different places in China, naming them in an exercise given to us with the map of China. and since we dont really know where are all the provinces of China, we guessed our way through, and of course most of our answers were wrong. nonetheless, we were shown the correct answer and we learnt from our mistakes!

OIE lesson in the morning

Lunch in canteen!

Went jogging after class around the school area. a good workout after all the good food we ate here! then had dinner at our usual place, Lemon restaurant!

How many people would get the answers correct if they did the exercise we did in class during OIE lessons? out of ten maybe only 2 will get them right. China as our motherland so to speak, as we are all chinese, and our roots are all from China, we have to be able to identify the different parts of China, or at least try to know if they are in the north or south. in the future, when we go out and work. being able to have knowledge of china, even the basic geographical navigations of China, would certainly help us in our human relations. imagine yourself doing business with someone from Beijing, and you dont even know that Beijing is the capital city of China, how embarrassing would that be, let alone clinch the deal?