Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 16 - Coca Cola

Our day started with a trip to the coca cola factory. we met at 8.15 and took a 1hour bus ride to the factory. we were first brought to a room where we were shown a video presentation before going for a tour in the process of making of their drink. we also had a free coke! NICE! after going through the manufacturing process, we went to some display where they show coca cola displays. camwhoring around as usual.

Free coke!
A-Team again!
Brenda flying infront of me -.-

After coca cola was our OIE presentation. was one of the last group to present so everyone was kinda falling asleep. but it went well nonetheless.

Coca cola factory was an eye opener for me. our common drink all over the world actually goes through many processes to be so perfect. it is the same in our lives. we have to go through many different experiences, sweet or bitter, to grow as a person. many processes, challenges and obstacles that we have to overcome, in order to live our life and tell ourselves, yes! i lived life to the fullest. and i guess everyone would want to be able to say that to themselves, don't they?

Day 15 - WISCO without water

Today started earlier than usual. we met at 8am to collect our helmets for our steel factory visit. the factory is called WISCO (Wuhan iron & steel company). we took a bus to the steel factory and walked through the process of the hot iron being cooled and rolled up for ease of transportation. when the hot iron bar roll pass us, although it is about 100m away, we could still feel the heat of it come pass. that is how hot it is. after the tour, we went back to our hostel and had lunch on our own. after which we went for normal lessons till late afternoon.

Our surprise of the day came at night when we finish our project work, and people came running out of the rooms and announced that there was no water. nicholas who was bathing halfway with soap on his body could not wash off. how funny! haha! so we all panicked since there is no water. cant even do our business in the toilet as the flush is gone also. the girls went up to level 4 to get buckets of water for us because apparently they have water on level 4. how weird right. should it be the upper levels without water since the pump should be pumping water from level one up? but oh well. it was an eventful night but water supply was restored at about 1am. thus being able to bathe!

The factory
The furnance! so hot!
The iron bar. the heat given off was unimaginable.

Today was a very eventful day. from the steel company to the low pressure pipes in our hostel, it made us learn alot of things. in singapore, we are very fortunate that we have hardly any stoppage of water as our pipes are very well maintained, without saying of course the clean water coming out of it. yet many of us take that for granted in singapore and waste water. after coming here, i have realised how fortunate we are back then and we should cherish it. immersing myself in wuhan has allowed me to experience things out of comfort zone, and this should be the challenge that everyone should take to toughen your mental strength. not only that but also to be able to think of others as well. In Singapore is privileged, not a right.

Day 14 - Happy birthday zz!

Lessons as usual after our 3 day adventure on the cruise. had OIE lesson in the morning about chinese philosophy. i guess everyone would be already bored with the go-for-lesson-then-go-for-lunch thing that has been on my blog for the past 13 posts. so i shall cut down on that. today's special occasion! zhen zhao's birthday! i have spent his previous 2 birthdays with him overseas. last year was our pahang adventure trip, this year at wuhan.

zz's cake!
the birthday boy!
A-team with the birthday boy
Belated present for dyana!
birthday boy prank!

I have learnt more about chinese philosophy today. the way of life under Confucianism. in hunmanity, it highlights the values that a human should have such as loyalty, filial, piety, courage and wisdom. one saying that caught my attention was "a fool would act as if he knows everything, a real wise man would pretend that he doesn't know anything." this is quite deep but after careful thought of it, it is actually very true. by acting smart, not only will it make yourself lose out, but also your friends. (害人害己).