Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 14 - Happy birthday zz!

Lessons as usual after our 3 day adventure on the cruise. had OIE lesson in the morning about chinese philosophy. i guess everyone would be already bored with the go-for-lesson-then-go-for-lunch thing that has been on my blog for the past 13 posts. so i shall cut down on that. today's special occasion! zhen zhao's birthday! i have spent his previous 2 birthdays with him overseas. last year was our pahang adventure trip, this year at wuhan.

zz's cake!
the birthday boy!
A-team with the birthday boy
Belated present for dyana!
birthday boy prank!

I have learnt more about chinese philosophy today. the way of life under Confucianism. in hunmanity, it highlights the values that a human should have such as loyalty, filial, piety, courage and wisdom. one saying that caught my attention was "a fool would act as if he knows everything, a real wise man would pretend that he doesn't know anything." this is quite deep but after careful thought of it, it is actually very true. by acting smart, not only will it make yourself lose out, but also your friends. (害人害己).

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