Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 22 - Catch up on some sleep

Pm lesson in the morning as usual. nothing special about that. had lunch at a new place. the zha jiang mian there was good, although i think that the one sold at the school canteen tasted better. well, just trying out new places in wuhan for meal instead of going back to the usual place. eat until very bored. i think we gonna try the mutton soup tomorrow lunch! long queue always according to houng sheng and we shall try it! and there was a really cute kitten at the place! super cute! Napped in my room after lesson in the afternoon until 6 plus. Dinner at Happy restaurant again. wanted to go flea market. but it was too late and we decided to go tomorrow.

Cute right the kitten! its really tiny
yogurt on the way back!
Dinner at Happy restaurant!

i realised that in China, people would leave right after eating their meals. in singapore, we actually sit on our seats and chit chat for awhile before leaving. however, in china, everyone faster leaves. the shop owner even chases you out if you hog the seats. i think that is really a very bad habit in singapore to hog the seats. we should learn from them, and get rid of this bad habit, in order to be better persons. we indeed have alot to learn from china.

Day 21 - Projects and more projects

Had project management test in the morning. looks like it went well except that it was really a rush to complete the paper. had lunch at the dorm as we needed to do project. zhen zhao packed back soup restaurant soup for me. so poor thing right. had to eat and do work at the same time. the whole afternoon was spent doing project. thought had time to go out for dinner. but no. came dinner time and i was still doing my work. so this time had houng sheng to pack dinner back. hectic day today, nonetheless, at least we completed our work! cheers!

Before the test

No matter how tough anything is, we have to persevere no matter what. always begin with the end in mind. and i think that we should always bear in mind what or who we are doing it for. in the case of project today, a whole afternoon long of project really would drain anyone out. but as long as you bear in mind that once the work is completed, you get to enjoy. by delaying the work, it also affects our final grades. thus, begin with the end in mind, strive for the result, not complain about the process.