Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 25 - Bu xing jie again!

Its friday! and its practical test in the morning! guess it went quite alright? lunched at the school canteen which finally reopened after that national day break. afterwhich was project at the dorms. have to rush as next week will be the presentation already. soon after, evening came and it was shopping time again! went to the night market at bu xing jie! and it was really very crowded and big. did not have enough time to walk finish. became some image consultant again, helping people choose the designs of clothes. haha. bought some things back for people too. haha.

Test paper!
the taxi we took
Bu xing jie's night market!

today we took a cab to bu xing jie. we had to split into 2 cabs as there were too many people. so me, brenda and shi ling took 1 cab while houng sheng, michelle, eudora and wei lin took another. the cab fare for our cab was RMB25.20, while the other cab was RMB42. see the difference. turn out that they actually got cheated. we are all in a foreign land, thus we have to becareful about all these things. take care of one another, look out for each other to ensure the safety and fun of everyone.