Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 7 - Visit to new WUST campus

Morning lesson was earlier than usual. class started at 8.30am as we are due to go visit the new WUST campus in the afternoon. lesson ended at about 11 and we went to the school canteen to have lunch before we met at 12.30 for our to new WUST. and so we took a long bus ride to the campus. almost an hour plus before we arrived at the campus. first we were brought to the place where they kept all their preserved part of the human body. Disclaimer! disturbing photos below.

It was a great day interacting with the students from the new WUST. they were very friendly and came to start a topic with us almost immediately when we sat down. they are not expecting us to be able to speak Mandarin, but when we started conversing in mandarin they were delight. we were glad we can converse with them. cultural difference that i found today was the language barrier that we might have. their first language is mandarin, however ours back in singapore is english. thus, it is very hard to really communicate, yet they are so eager to talk to us, even to the extent to prepare and learn english before we come. this made me feel so welcomed. this just shows their attitude towards learning from us from this exchange programme. we should also adopt their mindset to advance in our lives.