Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 6 - Wuhan city tour

Earliest i have woken up in wuhan! need to meet at 7.15am for our tour! i realise people in china wake up and start their day very very early. unlike me always sleeping at unearthly hours, and waking up when its sunset. we were told that we are going to visit 3 places, east lake (dong hu), hubei province museum and yellow crane tower (huang he lou).

Touring around the city has allowed me to learn more about wuhan. many things has caught my eye especially the yellow crane tower. it is such a beauty. and the artifacts in the museum just proves to us what people in the past can do as compared to today, with all the technology with have, they too can do it without them. this is a lesson telling us that nothing is possible. when there is a will, there is a way, and we should keep striving for our goal and not give up even the smallest setback.