Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 24 - We had joy, we had fun

Pm lesson in the morning again as usual! Watched two inspiring movies as Miss Hock wanted us to do an assignment about the two movies. Today’s topic was about leadership, and was not exactly new to me due to all the leadership training I have attended in secondary school.

BBQ after lesson! Met up with the local students outside our hostel. They bought many many food, and we bought many many drinks. Took a long walk to the BBQ place. It is actually a park, like under many trees. Helped out in making some of the food, while others also help to set up the fire. There was a hammock also and we turned it into a mini theme park. Haha.

Meeting area.
BBQ place! in a park
Hammock shiok ah!

Roller-blading after BBQ! Have been awhile since I roller-bladed. And it was fun! Took awhile to remember how to blade properly. It was very fun as everyone laughed and joked around.

Me, Yi xian and Brenda
Me rollerblading!

The group of us!

Saw the sunset by the chang jiang. It was beautiful. Then we went back and played table tennis, badminton, pool and basketball. Felt great holding a basketball again! Has been awhile since I played. After that cabbed back with Brenda as we were too lazy to walk! Overall today was a meaningful day as we spent time with the local students, experiencing how they BBQ over here in China. It was certainly very different as compared to Singapore.


Lay up!

BBQ was certainly different over here in China. In singapore, we have built bbq pits, but here it is all portable ones. and it isn't exactly very clean. but well this is china. and also we should feel how lucky we are to have clean bbq pits. how the government help us have clean food.

Day 23 - Haircut

Today lesson as usual in the afternoon. I then went to Jian er with yu haw for a haircut! I cut my hair really really short. Like seriously very different from my old hairstyle. I didn’t want it to be so short at the front actually, looks kinda weird. But oh well, hair will grow back one right! Had mutton soup after that. The noodles wasn’t exactly that nice but the soup and meat was awesome!

New hair!
Side view
Brenda say looks like this orange guy.

Mutton noodles

So had some project discussion and then we left for qi lu, a night market. First we had dinner at some steak restaurant. Then we walked to the night market to look at things. Mostly girl things there, but it was quite interesting. If only something had caught my eye. I go there more like giving opinions and helping people bargain for cheaper prices. Lol. Cabbed back to hostel after that as we were all late.

Outside the steak restaurant!
Group photo. No me because im taking it. D:
Night market!

Today i tried out some different. a total new hairstyle. from the old long and bushy hair to a very short and neat hairstyle! at the start i didn't think it was very nice, but after hearing what others say and really go look at it, it was actually not that bad. just need some getting use to. what i learn is that in everything, there is something good. and that we should look at the bright side in everything. this applies to not only my hairstyle, but in everything new we do. dare to try and it will turn out fine.