Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 4 - OIE 1st lesson

First lesson of our IS module that we would be taking here, Overseas Immersion Experience. we were taught by one of the local lecturers here. her english was understandable. People's Republic of China is the full name for the 3rd largest country in the world, behind Russia and Canada. One issue that actually caught my attention was that she explained the difference between Mainland China and People's Republic of China. As many people use Mainland China very often, i was wondering why cant they just say China straight away, instead of Mainland China. However, there was a difference. People's Republic of China (PRC), consist Mainland China, with their 22 provinces, Macau, Hongkong, and Taiwan, which is also a province of China, while Mainland China just refers to the 22 provinces, excluding Macau, HongKong and Taiwan.

Listening attentively in class!

Lunch at the school canteen as usual again. had fried rice with tomato! super delicious!
My Lunch! :D

After that was Project Management lesson with Ms Alicia Hock! started with abit of self introduction of herself before starting to learn how to do the AON.

Example of an AON!

Doing my work attentively!

End of class!

After lessons, it was slack time in my bunk as i was super tired. didnt join the rest for dinner. had cup noodles with Brenda and Weilin at hostel instead. Short day, nonetheless, an enriching one!

Although today was a short day, but everyday provides a new learning point. and today the OIE lesson allowed me to learn more about doing business in China, and the cultural side of China. Learning more cultural things about China, enriching me with new knowledge of China and their way of doing business. with their growing economy, this would be very helpful as we might need to venture into this prospering market to make a living in the future!

Day 3 - 1st lesson

Day 3 in a nutshell!


Today is the third day in wuhan already! Time actually flies pass very fast and before you know it, it might be the end of our trip already. But every day spent is a stepping stone to achieve greater things in life. And today is the 3rd step taken on my wuhan journey. Today, the start of project management lesson would mean that a new beginning for a new module has started and I should be working hard for it. Besides that, visiting the shao ping mao, a shopping centre which is a few stop away from campus, made me find out many more cultural differences in China as compared to Singapore. Like, when taking the public bus, the bus captains would be in a hurry for everyone to get on, and would start scolding us if we board the bus slowly, which was exactly the case as we were all confused due to the fact that it’s the first time taking a public bus in china. But it was a good experience, and my teacher said that we shouldn’t be too kind to them, as they are not used to people saying thanks to them, if we do say thank you, they will find us weird. So this is quite a big and shocking cultural difference I have experienced today!