Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 20 - Theme park

A day out at the theme park! we met at 9.30am after some delays. head over to duo luo jie at the back of hostel to grab some breakfast. then we headed to the front of the school to take a bus to the theme park. the theme park is located inside 中山公园. the bus ride was a 45min or so ride and it was very very crowded. barely had space to even stand.

When we arrived, we had to walk quite a long way in before we reach the theme park. there were statues and bridges, even had ice cream on the way in. it was really a huge park. i think bigger than the biggest park in Singapore. went for a few rides. it was so fun!

A-Team with Sun Zhong San
The guys!
Ice cream!
Our first ride!
2nd ride!
Roller coaster!
Flying chair
Best ride ever!
The four daredevils!

After the theme park we went to Singaporean style foodcourt for our lunch. things there dont really taste exactly like the one back home, but it was heartwarming enough to taste food like those back in Singapore.

Long time no see Merlion!
Inside the food court. very singaporean huh!
Char Siew and goose meat rice!
Beef balls and sushi!
This guy is talented! he drew that with chalk on the streets!

Great day to let down our hair and play after a stressful week with projects and projects and more projects. what caught my attention was really the guy drawing the Mona Lisa on the streets. he is actually making use of his talents to earn money. this made me realise that whoever you are, you are given a set of special talents. make use of them to ensure survival of yourself, instead of waiting for help to be given.