Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 28 - Building a bridge

Lesson started at 1.30pm today since everyone was tired from the long hike up wudang mountain. so today lesson was quite enriching. we were tasked to build a bridge out of paper and paper clips. it required alot thinking and brainstorming to be able to succeed. in the end, A-Team thought, built and conquered the bridge.

A-Team at work!
Doing the part of the bridge!
Trying on the strength of the alpha bridge!
we can even put a laptop on it!

Teamwork is key in a success of a team. Alone, one can do much. as a team, we can achieve wonders! although everyone each has their own ideas, as long as we combine and compromise, things will work out fine. In a team, delegating tasks is very important. which is what A-team did. some of us were in charge of rolling the paper rolls while others are tasked to connect all the rolls together. this made us succeed and yeah! we even could put a laptop on the bridge!

Day 27 - Mission Wudang accomplished

Our journey began early in the morning. we began our hike up the steps of wudang shan, a whole 4.5km up and another 4.5km down. and boy it was tiring. and what made things worse was the pouring rain. A-Team went up the mountain together, cheering each other on and waited for each other, no teammate is to be left behind alone. thats the A-Team spirit. after 3 hours. we finally arrived at the peak, called Golden Submit 金顶. it was really freezing cold up there. we only wore a jacket. thats all! 2 layers! and the temperature was easily below ten. hurried with a few photos and video recording and hurried down as time was running out for us. 3 hours up, and 1.5hours down.
100 steps stairs. (which is actually 121 steps)
More and more stairs

Safety lock that i locked on top!

Nice view!
A-Team on the Golden Peak!

It really takes determination to go up Golden Peak! a very tiring job but still its really an accomplishment to go up there. with determination, anything is possible as long as you put your heart into it. though this is not the most tiring mountain i have climbed, but seeing my friends struggle up and still make it, cheering them on on the way, and climb all the way up with us and take pictures with us is really very heartwarming!

Day 26 - Journey to Wudang

On the morning of a saturday, i woke up at 6am. very unusual for me but oh well. our journey began, a whole 5 hours of it. arrived at wudang at about 12pm. had lunch and we went to go visit not so high lying areas of wudang. snapped pictures and listened to the history of wudang shan. after visiting all the scenic areas, we went off for dinner at the hotel. and checked in too. had an early rest before our hike up wudang mountain, a whole 4.5km of stairs of it.

Wudang Shan!
their entrance like singapore airport, use thumbprint.
On the bus up!
Twisting and turning roads
A-Team again!
Have some tea?
A-Team warming up!
The temple

China has a very interesting history. Wudang is famous of the religion taoism, as they believe that it originated from here. Singapore, as a multi racial, multi religious country, we have to understand and know the different religions and how they originated. through this first day, i have learnt more about taoism and knew where it actually originated. like how buddhism was originated from india. this first day allowed me to learn and be aware, and enrich myself more!