Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 26 - Journey to Wudang

On the morning of a saturday, i woke up at 6am. very unusual for me but oh well. our journey began, a whole 5 hours of it. arrived at wudang at about 12pm. had lunch and we went to go visit not so high lying areas of wudang. snapped pictures and listened to the history of wudang shan. after visiting all the scenic areas, we went off for dinner at the hotel. and checked in too. had an early rest before our hike up wudang mountain, a whole 4.5km of stairs of it.

Wudang Shan!
their entrance like singapore airport, use thumbprint.
On the bus up!
Twisting and turning roads
A-Team again!
Have some tea?
A-Team warming up!
The temple

China has a very interesting history. Wudang is famous of the religion taoism, as they believe that it originated from here. Singapore, as a multi racial, multi religious country, we have to understand and know the different religions and how they originated. through this first day, i have learnt more about taoism and knew where it actually originated. like how buddhism was originated from india. this first day allowed me to learn and be aware, and enrich myself more!

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