Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 30 - Last day of school

Last lecture today! which means we are going home soon! but oh well, we surely would miss our classroom that we had lessons for the past 30 days. had lunch after class and did project before leaving for jiang han lu again. had some hagen daz ice cream! long time didnt have it already! then we wanted to go shop at the night market, but in the end, it rained and they couldn't set up all the stalls. however, we discovered this mall called ATM. and so we decided to explore there.

Hagen Daz
Hazel nut and caramel!
Ice cream galore!
Entrance of ATM
Shopping buddy!

The last day of lesson marks the end of our studying of project management in wuhan. i have learnt many things such as managing a project, keeping up with the schedule and assigning tasks efficiently, making sure there would be no overlocating of resources. not only managing projects, but also managing everything in our lives properly. keep track and planning is important. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Day 29 - Performance night

Woke up early today for a presentation at Mr Chia's room. we were the first group the present! went to hanhui's room for a brief and fast run through before the actual presentation. presentation went quite smoothly. went to back street for breakfast. all the usual stuff again. really wont get sick of it man! its so delicious. when i go back singapore sure miss it!

The rice lady!
Pancake lady!

At night was the performance night whereby there would be interaction with the local students via performances being song and dance or skits. pictures shall do the talking!

All of us!
The local emcees!
A-Team's preformance!
Girl's performance!
Guy's performance!

After 29 days in wuhan, i am grateful for all the things the local students have done for us. like organising the bbq, bringing us to shopping areas, cutting hair and many many more things. they have been a great help and really made our lives in wuhan alot easier. they also took time off not only to bring us around but also to prepare for the performance today which was great. it was heartwarming and fun. once again, thank you! all of you local students! see you in singapore next year!