Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 16 - Coca Cola

Our day started with a trip to the coca cola factory. we met at 8.15 and took a 1hour bus ride to the factory. we were first brought to a room where we were shown a video presentation before going for a tour in the process of making of their drink. we also had a free coke! NICE! after going through the manufacturing process, we went to some display where they show coca cola displays. camwhoring around as usual.

Free coke!
A-Team again!
Brenda flying infront of me -.-

After coca cola was our OIE presentation. was one of the last group to present so everyone was kinda falling asleep. but it went well nonetheless.

Coca cola factory was an eye opener for me. our common drink all over the world actually goes through many processes to be so perfect. it is the same in our lives. we have to go through many different experiences, sweet or bitter, to grow as a person. many processes, challenges and obstacles that we have to overcome, in order to live our life and tell ourselves, yes! i lived life to the fullest. and i guess everyone would want to be able to say that to themselves, don't they?

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