Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 18 - Shopping at Jian Er

Mid point of my wuhan journey! so lets recap! huang he lou, dong hu, hubei province museum, chang jiang san xia, han kou and many other places. we learnt alot of things from all these trips and it really widen our knowledge of china.

so the day started with lesson. project management lesson. after that lunch at lemon restaurant. and then wanted to go shopping at Jian er, but then it started raining, so we headed back to our hostel. today was really a boring day! dinner at mac with the rest later and walked around Jian Er Lu, shopped awhile and headed back soon after.

Dinner at mac!
From another angle.

The mid point of my journey in wuhan. learnt many new things by experiencing life in a foreign land. although, it has not been smooth sailing, but nothing in life comes for free. everything you want to achieve has to be fought for. and i guess it goes the same in life. be prepared to go through hardships in order to achieve something. although it might be tough, but i guess by having the goal in mind, it will be all worthwhile.

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