Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 33 - Last day shopping

Woke up in the morning for breakfast at the back street. took videos about the food at the back street. went exploring awhile and we found this very interesting souvenir shop. they sold many interesting items. bought a few and then we left for another shop. however there was nothing much and we left for our hostel to prepare for our shopping trip.

the chicken very disgusting! they cut its neck halfway and let the blood drip. omg.

Shopping after that at this new place. alot things to see since its a place we have not explored. bought a few stuff and then headed to jiang han lu again. the last time we visit our night market!


So today being the last day! many memories would be left behind. sweet and bitter ones nonetheless, something valuable and precious to all 21 of us. what i saw today was really unforgettable. seeing how the chicken, which was alive and awake, being slaughtered in the open, with its neck cut halfway and blood dripping down really made me wonder do these people have any humanity or not. seriously, imagine if you are the chicken, how would you feel? my god seriously. i shall stop here and not say further. just made me think, what have the world has become of.

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