Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 32 - Farewell dinner

Free and easy day 2! and its gonna be a bright and sunny day! woohoo! did project in the morning. filmed some scenes and we are ready to go! afternoon was a basketball match with the local students. they are good, since they play everyday. in the end, we lost to them by a few points. but oh well, it was just all for fun!

Group photo!
Team MDE!
During the match!
Match in progress!

After the match, went to play abit of badminton and then went off to shower. then slacked awhile in the hostel and then it was time to go for our dinner with the local students. had international buffet with them. took loads of photos and memories with them are to be kept deep in our hearts.

The buffet place!
Zi Peng!
Zhen Na!
Our table!
Group photo!
Our table again!

Tokens of appreciation!

it was a good basketball match overall today. had fun and interaction with the local students. the dinner was an appreciation from all of us for their warm welcome to us to Wuhan. bringing us to places that we have never been to. sacrificing their precious time to actually bring us around and make sure we have a good time. even organising barbecue for us and bringing us to the theme park! thanks to them if not we surely would not have as much fun as we did for the past month. thank you all the local students! see you in Singapore next year!

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