Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 34 - Trip over, but friends forever.

So today has finally arrived! it was time to leave our home for 34 days and go back to Singapore. after 34 days here. went to duo luo jie to bring some food back to singapore for my parents to try! bought a whole big bag of it! before long, we are already on the bus to the airport. a few local students followed us there too! helped to load all the luggages into the bus. had some fun at guangzhou airport also on the trolley!

Crowded lobby!
Our bus!
Mountains of luggage!
Wuhan airport!

Two girls having fun on the trolley!
Guys turn! Yi xian and Han Hui decided to join in!
The girls!

And so we arrived in Singapore at about 10.10pm. headed to duty free and then a final group photo and then its home sweet home! Singapore, my home! here i come! i miss my bed!

A-Team's final group photo!
With some of the others!
Thanks everyone for the 34 days! i love you guys!

So here we are! after 34 days in wuhan. it feels good to be back in singapore, but there are memories in wuhan that cannot be replaced. this bitter sweet moment is something that no one will ever experience except the bunch of 21 of us.

Throughout the course of this trip, i have learnt many things from wuhan. being independent, being responsible are two very important lessons for me. being in a foreign country, one has to be independent no matter what. learning to take care of yourself is key in succeeding as a person. responsibility of looking after one another also was a lesson learnt.

Living in wuhan for 34 days has made me realise how fortunate we are to live in singapore. drinkable water flows out from the tap in singapore is already enough to show how lucky we are and we ought to cherish that. we left our comfort zone in singapore and venture out to seek challenges and challenges they were. but with friends, we pulled through everything together.

Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong.
We treasure our heritage and take pride in shaping our own unique way of life

Besides lifeskills lessons, i have visited many places in wuhan such as the yellow crane tower, 3 gorges dam, wudang mountain and many more. it was an eye opener for me as i have never been there before. in these trips, i have learnt more about the history of china and their culture. climbing up wudang shan was an achievement, especially when we did it as a group, waiting for each other. heartwarming it felt, and heartwarming it was!

Last but not least, friends that i have made. New friends from other courses, our friendship, though new, but felt as if we have been through alot together, which we actually have! classmates, the 12 of you all, our friendship has defininately became stronger. and the 2 year 1s, though you both are our juniors, but you two were awesome people, you all have already become part of us! everyone, all 20 of you guys, have becomed part of me! those times hanging out together, having meals together, singing karaoke, playing games and those chats we had with each other, this are memories that belongs solely to us!

Mr Chia for doing all the admin work, taking the responsibility to take care of us in Wuhan!
Miss Hock for the PM lessons and how to shop online in Wuhan!
Zhen Zhao for taking care of the class, lias with the local students for trips.
Shi Ling for all the things you did for the class like all the admin stuff.
Hao Teng for helping me do things in the room when i ask or sometimes even you volunteer.
Wei Lin for asking me if i'm alright at times.
Yu Haw for all the jokes and laughter, and SNSD videos!
Joanna for the soya bean drink in the morning!
Dyana for your care and concern!
Nicholas for all the jokes and laugher!
Yu Chuan for the lame jokes that sometimes no one gets!
Yi Xian for all the good times spent!
Sheila aka Xue Le for all the pictures you take without you inside!
Edward for all the lame jokes and laughter you brought to the class!
Eliza for letting me make fun of you! but nonetheless thanks for the good times we had!
Houng Sheng for the fun and jokes we go through together!
Eudora for the times we spent!
Michelle for the chats we had together!
Agnes aka "Cousin!" for all the moments we shared together!

Han "Bossman" Hui for all the hard work you done for the group, all the planning and being part of A-Team, leading us to victory!
Jia "Brother from another mother" Li for the use of your good english in our report and all the things we did together, the times spent together!
Brenda "Pooper" for all the memories we had together in wuhan. thanks for being there for me, with me, throughout the entire trip!


Day 33 - Last day shopping

Woke up in the morning for breakfast at the back street. took videos about the food at the back street. went exploring awhile and we found this very interesting souvenir shop. they sold many interesting items. bought a few and then we left for another shop. however there was nothing much and we left for our hostel to prepare for our shopping trip.

the chicken very disgusting! they cut its neck halfway and let the blood drip. omg.

Shopping after that at this new place. alot things to see since its a place we have not explored. bought a few stuff and then headed to jiang han lu again. the last time we visit our night market!


So today being the last day! many memories would be left behind. sweet and bitter ones nonetheless, something valuable and precious to all 21 of us. what i saw today was really unforgettable. seeing how the chicken, which was alive and awake, being slaughtered in the open, with its neck cut halfway and blood dripping down really made me wonder do these people have any humanity or not. seriously, imagine if you are the chicken, how would you feel? my god seriously. i shall stop here and not say further. just made me think, what have the world has become of.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 32 - Farewell dinner

Free and easy day 2! and its gonna be a bright and sunny day! woohoo! did project in the morning. filmed some scenes and we are ready to go! afternoon was a basketball match with the local students. they are good, since they play everyday. in the end, we lost to them by a few points. but oh well, it was just all for fun!

Group photo!
Team MDE!
During the match!
Match in progress!

After the match, went to play abit of badminton and then went off to shower. then slacked awhile in the hostel and then it was time to go for our dinner with the local students. had international buffet with them. took loads of photos and memories with them are to be kept deep in our hearts.

The buffet place!
Zi Peng!
Zhen Na!
Our table!
Group photo!
Our table again!

Tokens of appreciation!

it was a good basketball match overall today. had fun and interaction with the local students. the dinner was an appreciation from all of us for their warm welcome to us to Wuhan. bringing us to places that we have never been to. sacrificing their precious time to actually bring us around and make sure we have a good time. even organising barbecue for us and bringing us to the theme park! thanks to them if not we surely would not have as much fun as we did for the past month. thank you all the local students! see you in Singapore next year!

Day 31 - Shopping at ATM

Free and easy day 1! and woke up early to go shopping! went wang fu jing shjopping mall again. had some chicken wing from the nice bbq stall. walked around abit but left soon after as the girls went for some pedicure. since last night we couldn't finish roaming the ATM, we decided to go back there again today. look at stuff and bought some stuffs also. then decided to go to the night market! we were worried it will not be open again since it was raining in the afternoon. but thankfully they opened as it was dry enough. bought a few stuff like necklace and such at the shop to give people when i come back..

On the way there!
Pit stop for a photo!
The night market!

Bus services in wuhan end at around 10.30pm. unlike in singapore, where bus service ends past midnight. the reason being that china is very big, thus bus drivers need to end work earlier to be able to get home faster. we are lucky to be able to enjoy such priviledges in singapore. bus services in China however, has a very short frequency timings. this is due to the number of people living in china itself. thus, having the need of more buses to cater to the number of people. i found that it made sense due to the amount people on the bus when we took the buses during peak hours. hence, by ratio, the bus services are quite similiar except for the end service timing.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 30 - Last day of school

Last lecture today! which means we are going home soon! but oh well, we surely would miss our classroom that we had lessons for the past 30 days. had lunch after class and did project before leaving for jiang han lu again. had some hagen daz ice cream! long time didnt have it already! then we wanted to go shop at the night market, but in the end, it rained and they couldn't set up all the stalls. however, we discovered this mall called ATM. and so we decided to explore there.

Hagen Daz
Hazel nut and caramel!
Ice cream galore!
Entrance of ATM
Shopping buddy!

The last day of lesson marks the end of our studying of project management in wuhan. i have learnt many things such as managing a project, keeping up with the schedule and assigning tasks efficiently, making sure there would be no overlocating of resources. not only managing projects, but also managing everything in our lives properly. keep track and planning is important. if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Day 29 - Performance night

Woke up early today for a presentation at Mr Chia's room. we were the first group the present! went to hanhui's room for a brief and fast run through before the actual presentation. presentation went quite smoothly. went to back street for breakfast. all the usual stuff again. really wont get sick of it man! its so delicious. when i go back singapore sure miss it!

The rice lady!
Pancake lady!

At night was the performance night whereby there would be interaction with the local students via performances being song and dance or skits. pictures shall do the talking!

All of us!
The local emcees!
A-Team's preformance!
Girl's performance!
Guy's performance!

After 29 days in wuhan, i am grateful for all the things the local students have done for us. like organising the bbq, bringing us to shopping areas, cutting hair and many many more things. they have been a great help and really made our lives in wuhan alot easier. they also took time off not only to bring us around but also to prepare for the performance today which was great. it was heartwarming and fun. once again, thank you! all of you local students! see you in singapore next year!